Friday, January 30, 2015

My new book is out!

I am thrilled to announce the publishing of my new book The Psychic Way: A Psychic Development Workbook! It is a collection of material from my classes on psychic development, with a strong structure and practical exercises to help those looking for personal development at home. This is my first review, which is very exciting: “Ingrid has written a book that is comprehensive, organized and well written. If you are interested in learning more about developing your own inner knowing this is a good book to read. I commend her for her efforts. ” – Frieda F., CA I hope you can go check it out and enjoy this piece of hard work that is meant to help further our spiritual evolution on earth. Namaste You can buy it direct at Or get the eBook on Enjoy!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

How To Manifest from the Heart

Focusing on and opening your heart chakra is a powerful way to both center yourself and build a strong connection to your inner world. When we attempt to manifest in the world consciously, we must first be coming from a heart space. We do manifest on a daily basis, but we are stuck in a cycle of manifesting the same fears, issues and habits, sometimes a million times before we realize what we are creating and try to change it to a healthier cycle. The best way to move into a more abundant life, a smoother road and healthier relationships is by focusing our intent on our heart. . Heart Wide Open Exercise: Simply close your eyes and begin to take long steady breaths, relaxing your body completely. . Move your focus to your heart chakra, imagining a brilliant green light in your chest area. . Begin to imagine pulling love energy from your Higher Self above like a beam of light, bringing it down through your crown chakra/head. . See this light from above go directly into your heart chakra, expanding and spinning this green energy within you. . Ask in your mind that your heart open, ask what your heart wants. Listen as you connect. . Continue to bloom your heart chakra from Source energy and pay attention to any messages you may receive. . When you feel the connection is complete, simply take long deep breaths and relax your awareness back to your physical body. . Begin to wiggle your toes and fingers, allowing yourself to 'come back' to being in the room. . When you open your eyes and fully become present again, write down your experience or draw what you saw. . Everything is more real and understandable when it is written or drawn, it makes it easy to look into more clearly. . Repeat this exercise at least 5-10 min every morning and see how different your week is, your life in general. Be blessed and rest!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Your Universe

Simplicity is at the heart of you. Through years growing up in the earthly cycle, you begin to collect layers upon layers of "identity". These are made up of: reactions to your family and environment, defense mechanisms, ego-created personality based on principals and habits from others, a basic reality concept conceived to create a sense of balance when it does not exist. Your personality is an illusion. Who you are - deep inside - is a simple, beautiful piece of love and spinning light. You are the awareness, the consciousness, of all things. Reconsider your layers. Strip them away and you will enter the center of the Universe.